Tips and Strategies To Successful Weight Loss
Tips and Strategies To Successful Weight Loss
It is said that up to 95% of people who diet will not only put back the lost weight but will actually weigh more than they did before they started! Why do so many people put back the weight they have lost? Many make the mistake of extreme dieting. They change their eating habits so radically that when they stop they return to the old ways which caused them to gain in the first place.
This often results in gaining more weight than they were before the diet. Depression set in comfort eating begins the cycle commences once again. This is why yo-yo dieting as it is called, can result in weight increase. The answer is to adapt your usual eating habits into a diet. Almost like creating your own tailor-made, just for your diet.
Think about the things you like to eat, try to come up with a plan which will allow you to eat the same as usual but in smaller quantities and don't forget to exercise. Eat what you like to eat. Just don't eat as much. You will often hear people say well I'm starting a weight loss plan tomorrow so today I will eat way more than I would normally for one last time.
Why? Why does it? If the purpose of a weight loss plan is to lose weight then why make it even harder for yourself. Chances are your blood sugar level will be raised making you feel even more hungry the next day. Perhaps unbearably hungry and bang goes the whole weight loss plan. At least until the next day and so on.
Far better to consider your chosen weight loss plan as an adventure and stick to it. Try not to think of yourself as being deprived of the foods you really enjoy. Don?t look around the table and think you are hard done by because you are not allowed to eat the same foods as everyone else. Think instead of the weight loss plan as a vehicle to take you to where you really want to be. As long as you stay on that vehicle you are heading towards the person you really want to become.
The real deprivation is what you are suffering now when you are not able to wear your swimsuit without feeling as if people are looking and judging you. The deprivation of not being able to wear the clothes you know you would look great in because you think you are too fat. People who are overweight are depriving themselves of a life that could so easily be theirs.
Not just now but for years to come. The health benefits of being near the correct weight for your height cannot be exaggerated. If you are serious about starting a weight loss plan and if you are reading this then I think we can assume you are. Decide why you want to do it and what you hope to gain by doing it. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
If you go into a weight loss plan with the intention of losing more than 1-2 lbs per week then think again. People lose weight at different rates.
Tips and Strategies To Successful Weight Loss
Reviewed by Mamdudur Rahman
3/20/2017 09:12:00 PM

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