How To Choose The Food That Contributes To The Low Level Of LDL Cholesterol

How To Choose The Food That Contributes To The Low Level Of LDL Cholesterol

The cholesterol is a fatty substance that looks like wax and the body needs it to function properly. Normally in itself, the cholesterol is not bad, but if anyone has it in high level, it can have different negative effects on his health. The cholesterol can be gotten from the body or from the food. The liver makes cholesterol naturally and the cholesterol can be gotten from the animals products such as eggs, dairy, and meat.

How To Choose The Food That Contributes To The Low Level Of LDL Cholesterol

However, there are bad cholesterol and good cholesterol. The HDL cholesterol levels are good while the LDL is the bad cholesterol. To have a healthy life, the HDL has to be kept high, while the LDL has to be kept low. The high level of LDL clog the arteries and increase the heart problem risks and the HDL protects against the stroke and the heart diseases.

Anyone who wants to get increased HDL cholesterol, there are important steps that need to be taken. However, the most important thing is not to take fats but to take only good fats. The first step to take is to eliminate the trans fats in the diet. Make sure that you read all the labels, and avoid all the commercial fast food and baked food.

Cut the saturated fats by reducing the intake of the red meat and fat dairy food, they can be replaced by nuts, beans, fish, and poultry. Melatonin supplements are useful because it reduces the cholesterol levels produced in the gallbladder. In the case of milk, it is better to replace whole milk products to the low-fat version. Make sure that you get the omega 3 fats in each meal. The sources of the omega3 are the fish, ground flax seeds, the walnuts, the flaxseed oil, the soybean oil and canola oil.

The easiest way to control the bad fats is to do the following. Eat more chicken and fish and forget about red meat such as lamb, pork, and beef. Use lean meats and stick only to white meat. Instead of frying food, broil or grill the food. Remove the facts and the skin from the chicken before cooking it. Avoid all the breaded meats, the vegetable, and fried foods. Use the liquid oil like canola oil or olive oil in place of using butter and shortening or lard. Use fewer cheese sauces and cream and if you must have them, let them be served aside.

 You have to avoid fried foods, such as French fries, doughnuts, fried chicken, hard taco and chicken nuggets. The snack foods such as tortilla chips, corn, potato, packaged and microwave popcorn. The solid fats are a semi-solid vegetable and stick margarine. The pre-mixed foods such as pancake mix, chocolate mix, and cake mix.

To be able to detect the food that contains the trans fats, look for the food that has a label of trans fat ingredients or hydrogenated oil. When using the margarine make sure that you are using the soft tub version or the margarine with no trans fat or partially hydrogenated oils. When eating out, make sure that you excluded all the foods that you are not sure if they do not have the trans food.

How To Choose The Food That Contributes To The Low Level Of LDL Cholesterol How To Choose The Food That Contributes To The Low Level Of LDL Cholesterol Reviewed by Mamdudur Rahman on 2/17/2017 02:53:00 AM Rating: 5


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