Weight Loss and Exercise The Right Way
Weight Loss and Exercise The Right Way
Firstly, I can't say this often enough (but I'll try) - Always check with your GP or Doctor first.
Mention the word exercise and many immediately conjure up images of red-faced perspiring people pushing themselves to the limit, going that extra mile, lifting heavy weights and changing their daily routine to find an extra 3 hours a day to fit it all in. Well, I'm here to tell you that's not how it's going to be. But make no mistake, exercise is the way to accelerate the weight loss process.
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Weight Loss and Exercise The Right Way |
Not only will you arrive sooner than you expected at your destination weight but you will also feel pretty good too. The temptation (or fear) is that you will need to buy the latest exercise equipment or join a gym. Resist for just a short while and try a couple of less expensive ways first. Look at some of the fittest athletes out there and you will notice that much of their training is done with the simplest of devices. For instance, boxers will include skipping and running as part of their exercise regime.
Try it slowly at first and as with all exercises stop if you feel uncomfortable or cannot continue a conversation during the exercise. Walking is also the great form of exercise too. Recent findings indicate that you can get as much benefit from brisk walking i.e. just short of breaking into a jogging pace, as you can from jogging itself. Get your partner or friends to join you.
Try slow cycling - if you haven't exercised for some time. Take care. Your weight is being supported by the bike so there is a risk of unintentionally overdoing it. As mentioned earlier, the ratio of muscle to fat will affect your metabolism so borrow some techniques from body builders! Use free weights to perform some simple exercises.
A pair of dumb bells will take up very little room and can be used in a variety of ways to help you tone up muscles, burn calories and increase your metabolism. The basic rule is - use low weights with a high number of repetitions to improve muscle tone. Use big weights with a low number of repetitions to achieve big muscles.
If you travel extensively why not buy a pair of water dumb bells. they take up hardly any space, weigh very little but when filled can weigh up to 15lbs. Also, consider investing in a heart rate monitor. They are quite expensive but very effective. You will discover that exercising too hard will not help you to lose weight. The heart rate monitor is able to show you the ideal lower work rate for weight loss.
Over exertion will result in strained muscles and fatigue. Keep your work rate even and manageable and increase the duration of your exercise only when you are comfortably able. Always start and finish your routine with some gentle stretching exercises. The best time of day to exercise is before breakfast! (unless you are recovering from illness or injury). The very act of exercising will set the speed of your metabolism at a higher rate for the rest of the day.
The next best time is 1-2 hours before your evening meal. As your metabolism begins to slow down towards the end of the day you can speed it up again by exercising. Bear in mind that the type of food you consume prior to any demanding physical activity should be consumed 2 hours before commencing and should be of the Low GI food type. Consult the Glycaemic Index for further information.
This is a special message for men who are reading this - don't overdo it! A good exercise session to help with weight loss does not require that you push yourself to your limit. The idea is that you are able to begin the process of getting fit in a way that is comfortable, enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding. You will find that you can incorporate an exercise routine without any major changes to your daily schedule.
Remember, if you to want to achieve a six pack stomach pure exercise alone will not do it. You must lose weight - its the only way. For those of you wishing to try for more strenuous routines, try swimming. It is an excellent form of aerobic exercise. Also, consider Yoga. There are various types all of which can be practiced at home or in a group. Other types of exercise using various forms of exercise equipment can have astounding results.
Just remember. There is a place in your life for exercise and your weight loss plan. It should only be a part of your daily routine. So make sure you have space in your home for the equipment you buy. The idea of being able to watch tv and use a running machine etc. in your living room might seem like a good idea.
But it is more important even vital, that you are able to live your life without a machine staring at you from across the room acting as a constant reminder of your need to lose weight, Relaxation and recuperation are as important as exercise, so make sure you have space in your home for both. Visit the body tends website for some great ideas and exercise products.
Being overweight and unfit means that you don't need to exercise as hard as a fit person does to get the same benefit more quickly. Your body knows its own limits and also knows how much is enough to get the job done, ie raise its metabolism and burn fat. Remember if you don't exercise, your body has no reason to get fit and lose weight! Start making modest demands of yourself and the same mechanism which let you put on weight will start to work at getting the weight off.
Weight Loss and Exercise The Right Way
Reviewed by Mamdudur Rahman
3/20/2017 09:20:00 PM

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