Keys to Weight Loss Success
Keys to Weight Loss Success
How to choose a weight loss plan which is right for you is a personal matter. There is little point in following a celebrity diet craze because you admire that actor or performer. They have chosen their plan based on their personal preferences. Your plan must be sustainable over a long period of time and must also be interesting.
I know it sounds obvious, but don't follow a plan which includes lots of fruit if you don't like fruit! likewise consider carefully the consequences of a low carb plan if you are a vegetarian! read the small print and make sure it is right for you. If the foods or recipes sound like fun to do and are what you already like to eat then there is a good chance it will work for you.
If you are the adventurous type then let that be your indulgence. If you have little time and must eat out a lot or prepare different meals for members of your family then don?t be tempted to consume 'invisible calories'. These are the foods we eat and then forget about later. The bread roll with a meal. The butter with the bread roll! The children's leftovers.The milk in your coffee, the glass of wine with your meal and so on. These foods do add up so try to avoid unnecessary detours.
Of course, in spite of all your best intentions how do you deal with a major detour ie eating to excess in a short space of time. Well, the first inclination is to think your weight loss plan is blown so why bother carrying on - DON'T. A fall from grace is not the end and is certainly no reason to give up. Consider what led up to it and try to avoid it happening again. DON'T beat you up over it.
If you keep repeating to yourself that you are useless etc then that's just what will lead to even more bingeing. Drink lots of water and I mean lots and most importantly of all don?t weigh you. It's fairly natural for your weight to appear to increase after a binge - it's not fat - more likely water retention, but psychologically it doesn't?t help one bit to see the scale going the wrong way so stay off it for at least 3 days.
All good weight loss plans will incorporate some kind of safety valve which will allow you under the right conditions to eat something which would not normally be considered part of your plan. If you tell someone who likes chocolate they are not allowed any more chocolate from now on. They will suddenly start craving chocolate!
Far better is to occasionally include (under the right conditions) a special treat (if that is what is desired). Might you be surprised to find it does?t taste half as good as it did when it was forbidden.
Keys to Weight Loss Success
Reviewed by Mamdudur Rahman
3/20/2017 04:27:00 AM

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