How to Treat a Candida Infection During Pregnancy
How to Treat a Candida Infection During Pregnancy
Candida, or thrush as it is more commonly known, is a condition which many women – pregnant or otherwise – have experienced.
The hot burning sensation when you pass water, the insatiable itching and of course, the resulting soreness are all unavoidable signs that you have a candida infection.
Candida can develop whether or not you are pregnant so this brief guide will help any woman who is suffering get rid of the symptoms quickly, effectively and safely.
Pregnancy is a wonderful stage of life, don’t let Candida spoil it
What is candida?
If you’ve never experienced it before, the symptoms of candida can come as an unwelcome surprise.
Although it can be passed on via sexual intercourse with an infected person, it’s more likely to occur due to the conditions in your vagina.
Thrush – to give it the name most women refer to it as – is caused by a fungus which normally lies dormant which is known as candida Albicans. This is a type of yeast which is normally controlled by the healthy bacteria in the body. However, when certain conditions arise, the yeast becomes out of control which is when we start to experience the symptoms that we know and dread.
Candida when seen under a microscope
Factors which can encourage candida
Tight trousers or underwear specially made from nylon or other man-made fibers can create the right conditions for candida to occur as can heavily scented panty liners or bubble bath. Antibiotics from your GP are another leading cause for candida as they affect the balance of microorganisms in your digestive system.
However, whilst all of the above is true, pregnant women can have a particularly torrid time with candida, even if they avoid all of the known triggers. This is because pregnancy can change the delicate balance and floods the vagina with a sugar known as glycogen. Unfortunately, candida loves glycogen and responds all too enthusiastically…
How to treat candida during pregnancy
Now that you know what to avoid in order to reduce your chances of getting candida, it’s time to look at how to treat candida. More specifically, what treatments you can use during pregnancy which are safe yet effective.
When you aren’t expecting, there’s lots of over the counter treatments that can work wonders to restore the right balance in your vagina and clear the symptoms of candida. However, these should not be used during pregnancy as they are unlikely to be effective and may not be safe.
In some cases, antibiotics can be used to clear candida but they are often over-prescribed and are associated with frequent recurrences.
There is a more natural alternative which is gentler on the body and completely safe during both pregnancy and breastfeeding (as well as at other times too!).
Rather than simply obliterating the bacteria within the vagina, helping to soothe and restore the natural balance of flora can have an immediate and effective action. This type of treatment is available in a gel, cream or tablet form and helps to not just ease the symptoms but also restore the correct vaginal pH balance, promote healthy flora and stimulate the desirable Lactobacilli.
What’s more, this with multiple applications in just one tube, you can even use it as a preventative treatment during pregnancy if you think you might be prone to developing candida.
When you are pregnant you have enough to contend with already: swollen ankles, nausea not to mention an ever growing belly so the discomfort of candida is the last thing you want to contend with. By following the above preventative measures and applying a 100% natural treatment when required, you can effectively prevent and if necessary, quickly treat the irritation and soreness which comes with candida.
How to Treat a Candida Infection During Pregnancy
Reviewed by Mamdudur Rahman
2/17/2017 03:58:00 AM

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